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La-tia-primiera Große Idee Vitaly Grinkov Kein Fang, kein Ansturm hy, wenn du mit Gott sprichst - das heißt Gebet, aber wenn Gott mit dir ist - Schizophrenie Wenn du entscheidest, alt zu werden, schau, so fällt es nicht ab Alles, was gut im Leben ist, oder illegal oder unmoralisch, oder führt zu Fettleibigkeit 9 von 10 auf der Grundlage von 40734 ReviewGuest Review schöne kleine Herberge mit geräumigen Zimmern. Ziemlich zentral - ein paar Minuten vom Zentrum / Meer. 15-20 Minuten bis zum nächsten Strand. Reinigen. Massive Schließfächer. Kleine Vorhänge über Etagenbetten. Kleine Wohnzimmer mit tvkitchen Bereich für Geselligkeit führt auf Balkon. 8220Inspiration ist ein Gast, der nicht willingly besuchen Sie die lazy.8221 8211 Pjotr ​​Ilyich Tschaikowski pyawtr ee-lyeech chahy-kawf-skee Wer könnte eine bessere Inspiration als dieser berühmte Komponist True sein, die Idee für den Namen der Herberge haben wir in einem Sehr einfache Weg 8211 der Name der Straße, wo die Tchaikovsky Hostel Split befindet. Aber die musikalische Kreativität Peter8217 hat uns ermutigt. So sind die vier Zimmer von einigen der berühmten Werke von Tschaikowsky inspiriert: The Swan Lake Zimmer. Das Nussknackerzimmer. Das Dornröschenschlafzimmer und das 8216March Slave8217 Zimmer. Die Tchaikovsky Hostel Split ist eine warme und freundliche Boutique Hostel, die Reisende aus der ganzen Welt begrüßt. Wir befinden uns im Stadtzentrum, nur wenige Meter vom Nationaltheater und dem berühmten Diokletianpalast entfernt. Alles was Split bietet ist direkt unter der Nase: Restaurants, Bars, Geschäfte, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Galerien und vieles mehr. Wenn Sie sehen möchten, was wir zu bieten haben, bitte sehen Sie unsere Zimmer amp Einrichtungen. Book Here gtgt Nützliche LinksDer Herr liebt nicht aus dem Urteil, das er versprochen hat Am Morgen des 31. Mai 2016 träumte ich, dass meine Frau und ich auf einer Autobahn fahren, die zwei Fahrspuren in jeder Richtung hatte, die durch einen Median getrennt waren. Es war bewölkt, aber meine Augen waren zu einem Fleck von absoluter Schwärze unter dem Grau gezogen. Dann erkannte ich, dass es ein Tornado war. Ein riesiger, massiver, verdrehender schwarzer Tornado, der plötzlich den ganzen Himmel beherrschte. Ich dachte daran, in den Median zu fahren und eine 180-Grad-Umdrehung zu machen, aber ich wusste, egal wo ich mich umdrehte, der Sturm kam, als ich erwachte und wusste, dass dies eine Botschaft des Herrn war. Ich betete um Verständnis. Der Heilige Geist enthüllte, dass dieser Traum für unsere Nation, die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, ist, die uns wissen lassen, dass es jetzt zu spät ist, um eine 180 zu tun. Es spielt keine Rolle, in welche Richtung wir Kopfzerstörung unseren Weg führen. Wir können es nicht entgehen. ICH WILL NICHT RELENT, der Herr sprach zu mir, als ich im Bett lag. Der Heilige Geist leitete mich, um in das Buch von Hesekiel zu schauen. In Kapitel 24 wurde Ezekiel gesagt, um den Tag zu markieren, als Babylon belagerte Jerusalem. Damals war Hesekiel nicht in Jerusalem, sondern in der chaldäischen Gefangenschaft. Früher hatte Gott ihnen diese Warnung gegeben, um Buße zu tun: Tut Buße und wendet euch von euren Übertretungen, damit die Missetat euer Verderben sei. Gib weg von dir alle Übertretungen, die du begangen hast, und mache dir ein neues Herz und Geist. Warum willst du sterben, Haus Israel, denn ich habe keine Freude am Tode von jedermann, spricht der HERR, Gott, so wandle und lebe. (Hesekiel 18: 30-32) Doch an diesem Tag sprach Gott mit einer anderen Botschaft: Wegen eurer unreinen Unzüchtigkeit, denn ich hätte euch gereinigt und ihr nicht von eurer Unreinheit gereinigt, so werdet ihr nicht gereinigt Mehr, bis ich meine Wut auf euch erfüllt habe. Ich bin der Herr, den ich gesprochen habe. Es soll geschehen. Ich werde das machen. Ich werde nicht wiederkommen. Ich will nicht verschonen, daß ich nicht nach deinen Wegen und deinen Taten nachgeben werde, so wirst du gerichtet werden, spricht der HERR. (Hesekiel 24: 13-14) Von meinen anderen Träumen und Visionen habe ich die Katastrophe gesehen, die auf Amerika wartet, wenn wir nicht bereuen. Unsere großen Städte werden brennen. Ich hatte gehofft und gebetet, eine große Erweckung würde durch unser Land fegen, und wir würden uns von unseren bösen Wegen wenden und zu Gott zurückkehren. Erst jetzt wird der schreckliche schwarze Sturm uns schlagen. Es ist zu spät. Der Herr wird nicht aus dem Urteil erlangen, das Er versprochen hat, weil wir nicht bereut haben. Wir werden ernten, was wir gesät haben. Autor: David Doughty David Doughty ist ein Anwalt und ehemaliger Assistant District Rechtsanwalt aus Rayville, Louisiana. Er hat fünf Bücher von Joy Publishing veröffentlicht. Der Herr hat ihm Offenbarungen gegeben, um zu helfen, den Weg für die Wiederkunft Jesu Christi vorzubereiten. Er glaubt, dass er ein Wachmann ist, der unserem Volk warnen soll. Seine Website ist DavidpDoughty Kopie 2016, Z3 News. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Dieser Inhalt kann in vollem Umfang oder in Teilen Online, E-Mail oder anderen digitalen Formaten, aber nur mit voller Zuordnung zum Autor, eine anklickbare Link zu Z3news und keine Änderungen an dem Titel oder Körper des Artikels. Für die Vervielfältigung dieser Inhalte in anderen Medienformaten nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit uns auf. Bitte spenden Sie jetzt, um Z3 News zu unterstützen. Related Posts: May 31, 2016 8:55 pm Joel 8211 I8217ve gesehen zwei Dinge im Zusammenhang mit San Francisco. Eines war am 26. November 2015: King up, sah ich ein Bild von einem Notebook. Es hatte das Wort 8220Earthquake8221 auf der Spitze und darunter das Wort 8220Aftershock8221 geschrieben. Ich fragte den Herrn 8211, wer diese Warnung war, denn ich hörte 8220San Francisco8221. Ein bißchen später, als ich in mein Bett legte und wieder einschlief, sah ich ein Bild von meiner Familie, die aus unserem Auto in einem Lowes Parkplatz ausstieg. Wir begannen, in Richtung Laden zu gehen, als ein großer Riss anfing, sich am weitesten Ende des Loses zu öffnen und sich auf uns zu verteilen. Ich legte mich im Bett länger und sah dann ein Bild von einem engen Freund sitzt gegenüber von mir in einem Restaurant. Sie sagte zu mir: Es ist Zeit für uns zuzuhören. Wir müssen jedes Wort hören, das der Herr für uns in dieser Stunde hat222. Das andere geschah irgendwann später, als ich eine engere Vision der Golden Gate Bridge hatte. Ich betrachtete es vom Blick der Stadt auf die weniger bevölkerte Seite. Ich sah, dass es eine Explosion unter einem Ende gab, dass die Brücke zusammenbrechen würde. Reply - Share Rachel Baxter - Joel 8211 I8217ve gesehen zwei Dinge im Zusammenhang mit San Francisco. Eines war am 26. November 2015: King up, sah ich ein Bild von einem Notebook. Es hatte das Wort 8220Earthquake8221 auf der Spitze und darunter das Wort 8220Aftershock8221 geschrieben. Ich fragte den Herrn 8211, wer diese Warnung war, denn ich hörte 8220San Francisco8221. Ein bißchen später, als ich in mein Bett legte und wieder einschlief, sah ich ein Bild von meiner Familie, die aus unserem Auto in einem Lowes Parkplatz herauskam. Wir begannen, in Richtung des Ladens zu gehen, als ein großer Sprung begann, sich am entfernten Ende des Loses zu öffnen und sich auf uns zu verteilen. Ich legte mich im Bett länger und sah dann ein Bild von einem engen Freund sitzt gegenüber von mir in einem Restaurant. Sie sagte zu mir: Es ist Zeit für uns zuzuhören. Wir müssen jedes Wort hören, das der Herr für uns in dieser Stunde hat222. Das andere geschah irgendwann später, als ich eine engere Vision der Golden Gate Bridge hatte. Ich betrachtete es vom Blick der Stadt auf die weniger bevölkerte Seite. Ich sah, dass es eine Explosion unter einem Ende gab, dass die Brücke zusammenbrechen würde. Hrefz3news / w / lord-relent-judgement-versprochen / Kommentar-43332 titleShare Auf Facebook Antworten Antworten und 31. Mai 2016 4:21 pm I totally zustimmen. Es ist zu spät Hier ist ein Wort, das der Herr mir vor nicht allzu langer Zeit gegeben hat. 5-15-16 Weh Weh Weh. Zu Ihnen Amerika Wer hat Sie verzaubert und einen Zauberspruch auf Sie Dieses Land wird immer dunkler und dunkler und dunkler jetzt. Siehst du sogar das Böse, das dein Führer hinter den Kulissen begangen hat. Siehst du nicht, dass das Böse gut und gut heißt, heißt das Böse? Seine wahre Identität wird nun offenbart werden. Zerstörung kommt, wenn man es am wenigsten erwartet, Babylon wird in einem zerstört werden Stunde Wählen Sie diesen Tag, den Sie dienen werden Es gibt keine politische Lösung für das spirituelle Problem, das Sie haben. Es wird keine Rückkehr zur Größe kommen. Denn die Umkehr hat nicht stattgefunden. Habe ich nicht genügend Zeit für Amerika gegeben? Alles Böse wird offenbart, wie das Licht meiner Herrlichkeit offenbart wird. Lassen Sie sich nicht täuschen Die Ereignisse, die kommen, werden schneller und schneller und schneller und mit mehr Intensität geschehen, bis ich zurückkehren und meinen Thron in Jerusalem begründen. Lassen Sie sich nicht wieder eingeschlafen vom satanischen Wiegenlied. Satan kommt nicht wie ein großes furchtsames Monster die meiste Zeit. Er kommt als dein bester Freund oder ein Engel des Lichts. Sein Ziel ist, Sie zu betrügen und zu täuschen. Er will, dass du in die Hölle gehst wie er. Er wird einen Plan anbieten, der so gut scheint. Meine Auserwählten könnten getäuscht werden, wenn es möglich wäre. Niemand wird im Himmel durch Zufall enden. Aber die meisten gehen so zur Hölle. Der Weg zur Hölle ist breit und mit guten Vorsätzen gepflastert. Die meisten sind schockiert, wenn sie dort ankommen, weil sie denken, dass sie 8220good8221 sind. Das ist nicht hellip Lesen Sie mehr Antworten - Anteil Jeef Byerly - quot Ich stimme voll und ganz zu. Es ist zu spät Hier ist ein Wort, das der Herr mir vor nicht allzu langer Zeit gegeben hat. 5-15-16 Weh Weh Weh. Zu Ihnen Amerika Wer hat Sie verzaubert und einen Zauberspruch auf Sie Dieses Land wird immer dunkler und dunkler und dunkler jetzt. Siehst du sogar das Böse, das dein Führer hinter den Kulissen begangen hat. Siehst du nicht, dass das Böse gut und gut heißt, heißt das Böse? Seine wahre Identität wird nun offenbart werden. Zerstörung kommt, wenn man es am wenigsten erwartet, Babylon wird in einem zerstört werden Stunde Wählen Sie diesen Tag, den Sie dienen werden Es gibt keine politische Lösung für das spirituelle Problem, das Sie haben. Es wird keine Rückkehr zur Größe kommen. Denn die Umkehr hat nicht stattgefunden. Habe ich nicht genügend Zeit für Amerika gegeben? Alles Böse wird offenbart, wie das Licht meiner Herrlichkeit offenbart wird. Lassen Sie sich nicht täuschen Die Ereignisse, die kommen, werden schneller und schneller und schneller und mit mehr Intensität passieren, bis ich zurückkehren und meinen Thron in Jerusalem begründen. Do not allow yourself be lulled back to sleep by the Satanic lullabye. Satan does not come as a big scary monster most times. He comes as your best friend or an angel of light. His aim is to trick and deceive you. He wants you to end up in hell just like himself. He will offer a plan that seems so good that. My very elect could be deceived if it were possible. No one will end up in heaven by accident. but most go to hell that way. The road to hell is wide and paved with good intentions. Most are shocked when arrive there because they think that they are 8220good8221. That is NOThellip Read more quot hrefz3news/w/lord-relent-judgment-promised/comment-43256 titleShare On Facebook Hide Replies and May 31, 2016 9:26 pm David, thank you for sharing this dream and message. Interestingly, I8217ve been reading in Ezekiel and the Scriptures you have here. This is confirmation of what the Lord has been revealing to me. On May 27th, I received a message by the instruction of the Holy Spirit and while writing at one point, I began to feel a deep sense of pain within my heart and began crying. This is the first time I8217ve ever felt such a deep sadness and cried while being led in the Spirit to write. The Lord asks, 8220Why Why have you turned against Me It hurts Me what I8217m about to do, America. But I cannot strive with you any longer America. Come to Me you who are with Me and not against Me. I will save you from the fowler8217s snare. I will uphold you with My Righteous right hand. I the Lord Your God will comfort you. Mourn for what I am about to do.8221 Let us each individually have a repentant heart, cleave to our Father, abide in the shadow of Almighty God and seek Him with our whole heart. God Bless Job 11:13-15: Yet if you devote your heart to him and stretch out your hands to him, if you put away the sin that is in your hand and allow no evil to dwell in your tent, then, free of fault, you will lift up your face you will stand firm and without fear. Reply - Share Christina January - quot David, thank you for sharing this dream and message. Interestingly, I8217ve been reading in Ezekiel and the Scriptures you have here. This is confirmation of what the Lord has been revealing to me. On May 27th, I received a message by the instruction of the Holy Spirit and while writing at one point, I began to feel a deep sense of pain within my heart and began crying. This is the first time I8217ve ever felt such a deep sadness and cried while being led in the Spirit to write. The Lord asks, 8220Why Why have you turned against Me It hurts Me what I8217m about to do, America. But I cannot strive with you any longer America. Come to Me you who are with Me and not against Me. I will save you from the fowler8217s snare. I will uphold you with My Righteous right hand. I the Lord Your God will comfort you. Mourn for what I am about to do.8221 Let us each individually have a repentant heart, cleave to our Father, abide in the shadow of Almighty God and seek Him with our whole heart. God Bless Psalm 91 Job 11:13-15: Yet if you devote your heart to him and stretch out your hands to him, if you put away the sin that is in your hand and allow no evil to dwell in your tent, then, free of fault, you will lift up your face you will stand firm and without fear. quot hrefz3news/w/lord-relent-judgment-promised/comment-43344 titleShare On Facebook Hide Replies and June 1, 2016 11:59 am The only reason I persist in telling the pre-trib rapture timeline is because my heart goes out to all those facing the tribulation who have no time or money to move to the Ozarks or out of the country, or to by food and supplies for what they think is coming upon them like a monster storm of terror and destruction. I am positive that we will escape all these things that shall come to pass as Jesus said at the end of the Olivet Discourse, Luke 21:36. I8217m not interested in winning an argument (which would be the sin of pride, self-righteousness, the flesh and death), but only out of love for all the brothers and sisters who realize how horrible things will soon get. Generally speaking, the voices of Perry Stone, Chuck Missler and Dake should be respectively considered. If our grid experiences a cyber attack, or our country experiences an EMP or nuclear attack people will be starving in three days and gangs will be killing for food. People will be walking from every city to escape the horrors with babies, toddlers, gran parents and their valuables in hand. Think about how God delivered the Jews out of Egypt, Noah8217s family from the flood, Abraham and family from Sodom. The rapture was designed by our loving God to save His beautiful bride who He loves so much He hung on the cross to save. It is the anomaly of anomalies and serves a very important purpose, not to do a great u-turn in the sky. The idea of the rapture, even now, gives us peace and our Jesus is the Prince of Peace. GB Reply - Share Robert Adolph - quot The only reason I persist in telling the pre-trib rapture timeline is because my heart goes out to all those facing the tribulation who have no time or money to move to the Ozarks or out of the country, or to by food and supplies for what they think is coming upon them like a monster storm of terror and destruction. I am positive that we will escape all these things that shall come to pass as Jesus said at the end of the Olivet Discourse, Luke 21:36. I8217m not interested in winning an argument (which would be the sin of pride, self-righteousness, the flesh and death), but only out of love for all the brothers and sisters who realize how horrible things will soon get. Generally speaking, the voices of Perry Stone, Chuck Missler and Dake should be respectively considered. If our grid experiences a cyber attack, or our country experiences an EMP or nuclear attack people will be starving in three days and gangs will be killing for food. People will be walking from every city to escape the horrors with babies, toddlers, gran parents and their valuables in hand. Think about how God delivered the Jews out of Egypt, Noah8217s family from the flood, Abraham and family from Sodom. The rapture was designed by our loving God to save His beautiful bride who He loves so much He hung on the cross to save. It is the anomaly of anomalies and serves a very important purpose, not to do a great u-turn in the sky. The idea of the rapture, even now, gives us peace and our Jesus is the Prince of Peace. GB quot hrefz3news/w/lord-relent-judgment-promised/comment-43510 titleShare On Facebook Hide Replies and June 1, 2016 12:44 pm None here should be looking to argue as we are all members of the Z3 family and the body of Christ regardless of our theological positions on the rapture. We are called to correct what we believe based on scriptural study to be false doctrine. At the end of the day if you have a civil discussion with someone over their position and if they stick to their position and you stick to yours, so be it. We are all called to take such matters to the Lord in prayer and let Him reveal the truth to us. I believe that if you want to know the truth badly enough, God will certainly show you. Regardless, your comments are valued and most here would agree that it is certainly wise to make physical preparations as you have done. I agree with the possible events that you present and expect to see the same. The only thing I feel the need to comment on is that even if your rapture position is correct (as of course I disagree but for the sake of discussion), we should not look to it as our means of deliverance. God can deliver us no matter where we are and in what shape we are in. If a nuclear bomb was to drop right on top of our heads and God said to stand there and He would protect us, we should have the faith to believe Him. We are to do as He commands us and trust Him completely for the rest. God could certainly deliver us in a rapture but He does not need the rapture to do so. God bless you brother8230always a pleasure. June 1, 2016 3:09 pm Purnell, I appreciate your kind response. Yes, God can deliver us a thousand ways but He used Paul to reveal the mystery of the rapture to His bride in His timing. A marvelous expectation for those who have ears to hear. This was standard doctrine three decades ago among the Bible reading evangelicals. Not many read books any more. Reply - Share Robert Adolph - quot Purnell, I appreciate your kind response. Yes, God can deliver us a thousand ways but He used Paul to reveal the mystery of the rapture to His bride in His timing. A marvelous expectation for those who have ears to hear. This was standard doctrine three decades ago among the Bible reading evangelicals. Not many read books any more. quot hrefz3news/w/lord-relent-judgment-promised/comment-43567 titleShare On Facebook Hide Replies and June 1, 2016 6:56 pm Robert Adolph You have made a typical pre-trib false statement in claiming Lot and his experience of leaving Sodom as a type of the rapture / escape. The story of Lot is actually one of the strongest rebukes of the pre-trib theory found in the Bible Also, another thought here: It always amazes me to see people put forth the notion that if Jesus let his Bride go through the tribulation it would be spousal abuse Dispensational theology (which is the foundation for pre-trib theory) teaches that God has TWO BRIDES The Church for Jesus, and the Jewish nation for the Father (I reject this notion). If letting his Bride go through it would make Jesus a wife beater, what does that statement say about the Father You strike me as someone well studied, How does the error of this facet of pre-trib teaching escape you In Jesus Christ Paul Reply - Share Paul Benson - quot Robert Adolph You have made a typical pre-trib false statement in claiming Lot and his experience of leaving Sodom as a type of the rapture / escape. The story of Lot is actually one of the strongest rebukes of the pre-trib theory found in the Bible pbenson. me/2016/05/24/no-rapture-in-lots-story/ Also, another thought here: It always amazes me to see people put forth the notion that if Jesus let his Bride go through the tribulation it would be spousal abuse Dispensational theology (which is the foundation for pre-trib theory) teaches that God has TWO BRIDES The Church for Jesus, and the Jewish nation for the Father (I reject this notion). If letting his Bride go through it would make Jesus a wife beater, what does that statement say about the Father You strike me as someone well studied, How does the error of this facet of pre-trib teaching escape you In Jesus Christ Paul quot hrefz3news/w/lord-relent-judgment-promised/comment-43620 titleShare On Facebook Hide Replies and Faith Builders: Recent Comments: Natalie on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter Yes I agree Antwon. I was online yesterday reading about how the US are set to deploy 300 troops to Norway next January and they are currently training with Norwegian soldiers on how to do combat in ehellip Natalie on Prophetic Dreams Reveal Russian Invasion of United States Global government according to the elite. Natalie on Prophetic Dreams Reveal Russian Invasion of United States Expat guy I agree I think theyre all working towards the same agenda. I said this exact thing to my mum earlier. I cant remember where I heard this but a while back I read that the systems of communhellip Tina on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter Stephen, a car symbolizes either a ministry or ones vocation in a dream. James Bailey on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly I received this dream in 2014 and originally shared it then too. I reposted it because most people following Z3 today did not know about it two years ago. James Bailey on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly Thanks for sharing that Gary. James Bailey on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly Thanks for sharing that Lydia. James Bailey on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly The 2014 date shown in this post is correct. That is when I received this dream. I shared it two years ago and decided to repost it today because most of the people following Z3 did not know about ithellip James Bailey on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market Thanks for sharing these great points Johnathan. James Bailey on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market The large V that I saw is likely the same drop and rebound Jim Reeve has seen, which he shared in this video. Vilma on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly I really enjoyed breading this. I love, love, love the supernatural. Jesus makes all things possible. Lord I wanna fly. john - NZ on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market I suppose the conundrum I am reflecting on is the V that JB has alluded to - how does it fit into this new update. Chloe has rightly pointed out that the referendums in Europe are coming up in dahellip Ken Roberts on Prophetic Dream: Hand of God Writes Warning on Trump Tower But Rick Wiles said, the verses previous to verse 15 was a call for pastors, senior church leadership and bishops to commence a fast in the churches to begin to turn things around. Sheesh Too late, Rhellip Johnathan on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market Good video, JR. It puts a clear perspective on where we are. I agree with everything you said. The graph I was shown played out well and its now obvious that H2 was on election night. I believe we hahellip Shawn on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter Interesting post here on a page from the Bible found after the fire: stream. org/208358-2/ Sean Norgren on U. S. Government Planning Mass Murder of Americans I had my own dream recently, about a week ago, down-under in Australia. (This is unusual as I dont remember them. This vision was crystal clear.) I saw a bank of 4 missiles in the side of a hill. Eachellip Lydia Hodge on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter I believe its relevant somehow. I live in Tennesse about three hours away from the Smokeys. We were there last month. Ive actually been considering it as a safe place to go to in case of national dihellip anna on Prophetic Dream: Hand of God Writes Warning on Trump Tower I agree Ken. America is not repenting as a whole but actually getting worse. There is no stay of judgment. Obama is the antichrist so does anyone truly think he is just going to go away and let Trumhellip Lyn Leahz on 8220There is More to Come. Do Not Leave Your Station8221 Heres the link it wont post for some reason in my last comment: beforeitsnews/prophecy/2016/11/god-is-waking-people-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-to-warn-them-of-whats-coming-videos-24862hellip Lyn Leahz on 8220There is More to Come. Do Not Leave Your Station8221 Oops Forgot the link Lyn Leahz on 8220There is More to Come. Do Not Leave Your Station8221 Used this article in my video :-) Hope youre having a wonderful time in Israel, sister Lydia Hodge on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter Thank you Katie. Peggy A. on Prophetic Sketch Reveals God is Sending a Whirlwind to Boston MA Perhaps a re-visit of MATT SMITHS Prophetic Poem 2016 and Beyond would be helpful about now. There is a stanza that mentions BOSTON. (Its also interesting what the poem says about the election andhellip Jeanne on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter I had put this under a different post: Weve had prophecies about Russia attacking over and over and over again. The first thing I thought of was Russia the bear. Suddenly. Also check this out: https:hellip Jeanne on Prophetic Sketch Reveals God is Sending a Whirlwind to Boston MA I meant to put this under a different post Expat gal on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly Wonderful Word, James I will pray to be used for His purpose amp open myself up for supernatural experiences to battle supernatural forces. Very exciting times Just a note James that many dateshellip Alison Pound on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly Thanks James, inspiring, confirming, encouraging Peggy A. on I Was Not Ready for The Sudden Event JEFF BYERLYS latest word When the Ark Door is Closed, None Will Enter. holyspiritwind. blogspot/2016/11/when-ark-door-is-closed-none-will-enter. htmlutmsourcefeedburneramputmmediumehellip Lydia Hodge on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly James I have had numerous dreams of flying. I can remember when I begin having the first dreams. It was shortly after I got saved. At the time I believed I would fly. There was no doubt in my mind. Ihellip Peggy A. on Prophetic Sketch Reveals God is Sending a Whirlwind to Boston MA Alison, Thank-you for this post. It is very interesting. I think the reminder about Job is so important. Monica on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly I had posted a comment on Thanksgiving about praying for Israel that was on fire and even said if this was a warning sign to us of what is to come and now this happens: fires/tornadoes yet in the midshellip Ken Roberts on Prophetic Dream: Hand of God Writes Warning on Trump Tower Thank you, Jeanne. I appreciate it Great and sobering word from Anita Fuentes. I hope people listen and heed it. That needed to be said, especially with the ongoing Hananiah deception and now holidayhellip Monica on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly Its amazing the page found is of Joel Ch.1. It is well worth to read the article and see the versus that were eligible: 14 Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhellip Peggy A. on Prophetic Sketch Reveals God is Sending a Whirlwind to Boston MA Season of Judgment by JACOB VAN DYKE. I believe that God uses him (the simple things--- people-surroundings--- to confound the wise). About 15 minutes youtube/watchvcz4CeeIm0hellip Antwon on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter I believe in my opinion that this was about Russia invasion. Winter is a perfect time to attack any nation. EMP could wipe out a good percentage of people. Also think about the bear standing on threehellip Gary Lee on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly James Several years ago I received Is 40 from the Lord (mount up as on wings of an eagle). I pondered its meaning and concluded I dont know, maybe its referring to the rapture because I certaihellip Katie Troutman on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter I know thats true Lydia. I had such an urgency and conviction to move 3 months ago. I knew we had to go and go soon. God bless you and your family. Peggy A. on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly Short encouraging message through KERRY ANN GIDDEN about angels coming down to get us, turning to resemble humans, then taking us to places of safety. She said this will not happen with everyone. hthellip Stacey on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly Yes, I noticed that, too. It seems rather confusing. It helps, though, to click on newest in the Sort by: category. Jerry Sundberg on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter What catches my eye is the timing of this dream. It was a wakeup call to the church to pray like theyve never prayed before. Had Hillary Clinton been elected, this country would have fallen almost imhellip Shawn on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly James, I am noticing the dates on the comments are all over the place. Just thought Id point it out incase you arent aware. Lydia Hodge on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter I had a dream about a month ago that I was trying to quickly get my family to an area in the mountains where they would be safe. I felt a sense of urgency in the dream like I had a very short time befhellip Stacey on I Was Not Ready for The Sudden Event Thank you, Bob. As no one has all the answers (including myself), I will continue to read, ponder, and pray. May the Lord Jesus bless you with more wisdom as you seek his presence. Jesse Terrelle on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter I wish I could erase my above comment about bears in Gatlinburg as I have a niece living close by, and they are pretty upset about the fires. Didnt think of that when I posted it, plus this comment whellip Jesse Terrelle on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter Mena Lee Grebin on her Facebook page said that she has been hearing shofars since 5 am this morning, She believes it means judgment. Some people on her page were (naturally) a little shook up. SOMETHIhellip Jerry Sundberg on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly Thank you for sharing this. I have been flying since I was in my late 20s, I am now 63. Ive also been given to show others how to fly in the spirit. It rests on faith and obedience. He, the Holyhellip Bob Adolph on 8220You Will be Given Greater Weapons to Use Against the Enemy8221 Sanhedrin sends message to Putin and Trump, Take up your Cyrus-like roles and rebuild the Temple. Dont miss todays Jim Bakker Show with Mark Taylor Trump plans to move American Embassy to Jerusalhellip Peggy A. on Prophetic Dream: Hand of God Writes Warning on Trump Tower Jeanne, Thanks very much for posting that very sobering link. I felt the Holy Spirit on me for just about the entire 18 or so minutes of her broadcast: JUDGMENT HAS NOT BEEN POSTPONED. James Bailey on I Was Not Ready for The Sudden Event Severe persecution comes with the breaking of the fifth seal (Revelation 6:9-11), which is prior to the sixth seal/great tribulation, but the length of time is not specified. At a minimum, it includeshellip Jeanne on Prophetic Sketch Reveals God is Sending a Whirlwind to Boston MA Could be something else first--just noting all the words about Russia. Donate to Z3 News: Faith Builders: Recent Comments: Natalie on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter Yes I agree Antwon. I was online yesterday reading about how the US are set to deploy 300 troops to Norway next January and they are currently training with Norwegian soldiers on how to do combat in ehellip Natalie on Prophetic Dreams Reveal Russian Invasion of United States Global government according to the elite. Natalie on Prophetic Dreams Reveal Russian Invasion of United States Expat guy I agree I think theyre all working towards the same agenda. I said this exact thing to my mum earlier. I cant remember where I heard this but a while back I read that the systems of communhellip Tina on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter Stephen, a car symbolizes either a ministry or ones vocation in a dream. James Bailey on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly I received this dream in 2014 and originally shared it then too. I reposted it because most people following Z3 today did not know about it two years ago. James Bailey on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly Thanks for sharing that Gary. James Bailey on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly Thanks for sharing that Lydia. James Bailey on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly The 2014 date shown in this post is correct. That is when I received this dream. I shared it two years ago and decided to repost it today because most of the people following Z3 did not know about ithellip James Bailey on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market Thanks for sharing these great points Johnathan. James Bailey on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market The large V that I saw is likely the same drop and rebound Jim Reeve has seen, which he shared in this video. Vilma on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly I really enjoyed breading this. I love, love, love the supernatural. Jesus makes all things possible. Lord I wanna fly. john - NZ on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market I suppose the conundrum I am reflecting on is the V that JB has alluded to - how does it fit into this new update. Chloe has rightly pointed out that the referendums in Europe are coming up in dahellip Ken Roberts on Prophetic Dream: Hand of God Writes Warning on Trump Tower But Rick Wiles said, the verses previous to verse 15 was a call for pastors, senior church leadership and bishops to commence a fast in the churches to begin to turn things around. Sheesh Too late, Rhellip Johnathan on Prophetic Dreams Fulfilled in Equities Market Good video, JR. It puts a clear perspective on where we are. I agree with everything you said. The graph I was shown played out well and its now obvious that H2 was on election night. I believe we hahellip Shawn on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter Interesting post here on a page from the Bible found after the fire: stream. org/208358-2/ Sean Norgren on U. S. Government Planning Mass Murder of Americans I had my own dream recently, about a week ago, down-under in Australia. (This is unusual as I dont remember them. This vision was crystal clear.) I saw a bank of 4 missiles in the side of a hill. Eachellip Lydia Hodge on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter I believe its relevant somehow. I live in Tennesse about three hours away from the Smokeys. We were there last month. Ive actually been considering it as a safe place to go to in case of national dihellip anna on Prophetic Dream: Hand of God Writes Warning on Trump Tower I agree Ken. America is not repenting as a whole but actually getting worse. There is no stay of judgment. Obama is the antichrist so does anyone truly think he is just going to go away and let Trumhellip Lyn Leahz on 8220There is More to Come. Do Not Leave Your Station8221 Heres the link it wont post for some reason in my last comment: beforeitsnews/prophecy/2016/11/god-is-waking-people-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-to-warn-them-of-whats-coming-videos-24862hellip Lyn Leahz on 8220There is More to Come. Do Not Leave Your Station8221 Oops Forgot the link Lyn Leahz on 8220There is More to Come. Do Not Leave Your Station8221 Used this article in my video :-) Hope youre having a wonderful time in Israel, sister Lydia Hodge on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter Thank you Katie. Peggy A. on Prophetic Sketch Reveals God is Sending a Whirlwind to Boston MA Perhaps a re-visit of MATT SMITHS Prophetic Poem 2016 and Beyond would be helpful about now. There is a stanza that mentions BOSTON. (Its also interesting what the poem says about the election andhellip Jeanne on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter I had put this under a different post: Weve had prophecies about Russia attacking over and over and over again. The first thing I thought of was Russia the bear. Suddenly. Also check this out: https:hellip Jeanne on Prophetic Sketch Reveals God is Sending a Whirlwind to Boston MA I meant to put this under a different post Expat gal on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly Wonderful Word, James I will pray to be used for His purpose amp open myself up for supernatural experiences to battle supernatural forces. Very exciting times Just a note James that many dateshellip Alison Pound on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly Thanks James, inspiring, confirming, encouraging Peggy A. on I Was Not Ready for The Sudden Event JEFF BYERLYS latest word When the Ark Door is Closed, None Will Enter. holyspiritwind. blogspot/2016/11/when-ark-door-is-closed-none-will-enter. htmlutmsourcefeedburneramputmmediumehellip Lydia Hodge on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly James I have had numerous dreams of flying. I can remember when I begin having the first dreams. It was shortly after I got saved. At the time I believed I would fly. There was no doubt in my mind. Ihellip Peggy A. on Prophetic Sketch Reveals God is Sending a Whirlwind to Boston MA Alison, Thank-you for this post. It is very interesting. I think the reminder about Job is so important. Monica on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly I had posted a comment on Thanksgiving about praying for Israel that was on fire and even said if this was a warning sign to us of what is to come and now this happens: fires/tornadoes yet in the midshellip Ken Roberts on Prophetic Dream: Hand of God Writes Warning on Trump Tower Thank you, Jeanne. I appreciate it Great and sobering word from Anita Fuentes. I hope people listen and heed it. That needed to be said, especially with the ongoing Hananiah deception and now holidayhellip Monica on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly Its amazing the page found is of Joel Ch.1. It is well worth to read the article and see the versus that were eligible: 14 Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhellip Peggy A. on Prophetic Sketch Reveals God is Sending a Whirlwind to Boston MA Season of Judgment by JACOB VAN DYKE. I believe that God uses him (the simple things--- people-surroundings--- to confound the wise). About 15 minutes youtube/watchvcz4CeeIm0hellip Antwon on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter I believe in my opinion that this was about Russia invasion. Winter is a perfect time to attack any nation. EMP could wipe out a good percentage of people. Also think about the bear standing on threehellip Gary Lee on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly James Several years ago I received Is 40 from the Lord (mount up as on wings of an eagle). I pondered its meaning and concluded I dont know, maybe its referring to the rapture because I certaihellip Katie Troutman on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter I know thats true Lydia. I had such an urgency and conviction to move 3 months ago. I knew we had to go and go soon. God bless you and your family. Peggy A. on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly Short encouraging message through KERRY ANN GIDDEN about angels coming down to get us, turning to resemble humans, then taking us to places of safety. She said this will not happen with everyone. hthellip Stacey on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly Yes, I noticed that, too. It seems rather confusing. It helps, though, to click on newest in the Sort by: category. Jerry Sundberg on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter What catches my eye is the timing of this dream. It was a wakeup call to the church to pray like theyve never prayed before. Had Hillary Clinton been elected, this country would have fallen almost imhellip Shawn on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly James, I am noticing the dates on the comments are all over the place. Just thought Id point it out incase you arent aware. Lydia Hodge on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter I had a dream about a month ago that I was trying to quickly get my family to an area in the mountains where they would be safe. I felt a sense of urgency in the dream like I had a very short time befhellip Stacey on I Was Not Ready for The Sudden Event Thank you, Bob. As no one has all the answers (including myself), I will continue to read, ponder, and pray. May the Lord Jesus bless you with more wisdom as you seek his presence. Jesse Terrelle on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter I wish I could erase my above comment about bears in Gatlinburg as I have a niece living close by, and they are pretty upset about the fires. Didnt think of that when I posted it, plus this comment whellip Jesse Terrelle on Prophetic Dream Reveals Large Bear Attack in Winter Mena Lee Grebin on her Facebook page said that she has been hearing shofars since 5 am this morning, She believes it means judgment. Some people on her page were (naturally) a little shook up. SOMETHIhellip Jerry Sundberg on End-Time Believers Learning to Fly Thank you for sharing this. I have been flying since I was in my late 20s, I am now 63. Ive also been given to show others how to fly in the spirit. It rests on faith and obedience. He, the Holyhellip Bob Adolph on 8220You Will be Given Greater Weapons to Use Against the Enemy8221 Sanhedrin sends message to Putin and Trump, Take up your Cyrus-like roles and rebuild the Temple. Dont miss todays Jim Bakker Show with Mark Taylor Trump plans to move American Embassy to Jerusalhellip Peggy A. on Prophetic Dream: Hand of God Writes Warning on Trump Tower Jeanne, Thanks very much for posting that very sobering link. I felt the Holy Spirit on me for just about the entire 18 or so minutes of her broadcast: JUDGMENT HAS NOT BEEN POSTPONED. James Bailey on I Was Not Ready for The Sudden Event Severe persecution comes with the breaking of the fifth seal (Revelation 6:9-11), which is prior to the sixth seal/great tribulation, but the length of time is not specified. At a minimum, it includeshellip Jeanne on Prophetic Sketch Reveals God is Sending a Whirlwind to Boston MA Could be something else first--just noting all the words about Russia. Donate to Z3 News:

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